Episode 47: The 4 Core Characteristics of Every Great Mentor | How to Find One & How to Be One

Uncategorized Dec 12, 2019


In a world full of internet gurus and thought-leaders galore, I fear there’s something that might be becoming a lost art - Mentoring. The role of a “mentor” can be vague to many of us. Do I really need one? How do I find one? What should I ask them? The truth is, every single one of us needs someone that we can trust with life’s most important decisions. That’s why I’m diving into my personal story of how mentorship changed my life and breaking down what really makes a great mentor. Listen in.

The Conversation:

4:17 - Today’s Moment of Truth: 1 Peter 4: 10-11 Our lives are not our own - using our gifts for the benefit of others.

7:43 - How to reach the one thing we all long for the most.

10:57 - The 4 character traits of a great mentor (the person we trust with life's most important decisions)

11:29 - #1 THey have wisdom they're willing to share (not information, opinions, likes, and follows)

13:06 - #2 They take the time to get to know you.

15:11 - #3 They have to love you...

16:20 - #4 They share your worldview. Why am I here and what's important in this life?

21:17 - The greatest common denominator of my personal mentors - Have you found yours?

22:55 - My Challenge for you - Be the mentor you wish you had.

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