Episode 61: Why Culture Matters: What I Learned from 400 Business Startups with Bretton Putter
Feb 23, 2021
The wrong people in your business can cause extreme anguish and turmoil. Likewise, if you foster the wrong type of environment for your employees you can cause that same anguish. The number one thing that sets apart good companies from great companies is the type of business culture we have. Today we dive into why culture matters with culture expert Bretton Putter as he shares with us what he learned from interviewing over 400 startups.
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3 Key Takeaways
- Hire people who not only meet the job requirements but also resonate with the same core values of your company.
- It is the responsibility of the leaders of the company to cultivate a healthy business culture.
- Don’t treat your company culture in the same way as you did pre Covid. Learn to adapt to the rapidly changing times.
Why Culture Matters: What I Learned from 400 Business Startups
Brett shares the missing link where most businesses are lacking.
- Nine out of 10 businesses hire people who shouldn’t be hired to begin with.
- Good businesses hire those who can not only provide excellent service but whose hearts resonate with the core values of the company.
- The wrong people in your business are the cause of stress, disruption and anguish.
- The workplace should be a place where you fulfill your potential not where you burn out.
Only one out of ten businesses have done a good job optimizing their culture. The other nine are blind and are hiring people with different values, different principles and different mindsets. - Bretton Putter
The importance of business culture during the pandemic.
- The pandemic has truly shown us those who companies invested in their culture pre Covid.
- The level of stress and anxiety Covid has introduced in the workplace has hit companies without a solid business culture particularly hard.
- Those companies have transitioned more smoothly into the pandemic because their employees are committed around a common purpose, the same values and they feel psychologically safe to be transparent in their work environment.
If you take care of the culture then you get the privilege of experiencing the impact. - Brenton Putter
What aren’t more businesses investing in their business culture?
- It’s the leader's job to go after and intentionally tending the environment and culture of the company.
- No good business leader wants to foster an environment where people suffer but most don’t know to build a strong functional culture.
- Far too few leaders are purposeful with their culture where it matters.
- Intentional leaders implement ways of drawing attention to small wins regularly that reflect the company’s values thereby bring people closer together.
If the leader isn’t all in on culture it ain’t gonna happen. - Seth Buechley
How does business culture impact growth and performance?
- Culture has a huge impact on the value and growth of a company.
- When you look at companies like Airbnb or Southwest that have accelerated growth the key reason is that their culture is a well-oiled machine.
- Smart buyers right now are using consultants to determine whether or not the culture is healthy
Your culture can either accelerate your business or slow your business down. - Brenton Putter
How does working remotely affect your business culture?
- The biggest pitfall is trying to conduct company culture in the same way you did pre Covid. You must adapt.
- Businesses are spending countless hours in zoom meetings and not enough time getting work done and so the work gets pushed to after hours.
- The opportunity with hybrid is allowing your employees to work in the environment that they work best.
- People are too often thinking once Covid is passed life will just go back to usual, but that is not the case. Hybrid work is the new norm.
The culture is degrading daily and leaders don’t know how to get ahead of this by adapting their styles and the way they operate. - Brenton Putter
The top 3 most crucial tips for company culture when working with millennials.
- If you don’t have your values and your mission lined up, millennials will ignore you.
- Millennials are purpose-driven and not financially driven. You need to help them and develop as quickly as possible.
- When hiring young and inexperienced millennials don’t micromanage but also ensure that they are able to do the tasks that you require of them.
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